
Information Security Policy

1.基本方針 - Policy
It is vitally important for Royal PC systems Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the «Company») to gain the trust of its clients and all other involved parties, through the Company’s businesses such as system solution sales and software design. For this reason, the Company ensures that all its directors, officers and employees act with sufficient understanding of requirements on the Company’s businesses, on laws and regulations, rules and contractual obligations, and on organizational security. The term «Employees, etc.» means persons performing duties, either direct or indirect, within the Company, and persons who are entitled to access the Company’s information assets (directors, officers, employees, part-time workers, contract workers, employees of subcontractors, etc.).
2.適用範囲 - Applicability
This Policy applies to all directors, officers and employees of the Company.
3.活動組織 - Organizations Responsible for Enforcing this Policy
当社の情報セキュリティ活動を推進する管理責任者を任命します。 情報セキュリティ活動を運営する組織として、ISMS委員会を設置し、リスクアセスメントを実施して、情報セキュリティ上のリスクの把握、管理策の適用、及び組織への普及と継続的改善を推進します。 各社員は毎年私のセキュリティ目標を設定し、セキュリティ活動の効果を把握して改善に結びつけます。
The Company appoints the supervising officer of information security, and establishes an ISMS committee as an organization to manage the Company’s information security activities. In addition, the Company conducts risk assessment, and promotes understanding of information security risks, application and internal dissemination of management measures, as well as continuous improvement.Each employee sets up his/her security goals each year, and endeavors for improvements by understanding the effectiveness of security-related activities.
4.セキュリティ監視及び監査 - Security Monitoring and Audit
To ensure security, each employee periodically monitors how security measures are taken within his/her department. Internal auditors endeavor to improve security in accordance with planned internal audits.
5.セキュリティ教育の受講 - Education on Security
All Employees, etc., of the Company are to be educated on information security.
6.機密情報の保護 - Protection of Confidential Information
All parties involved with businesses of the Company must be strictly careful in handling confidential information, pursuant to the Information Security Rules that are separately set forth.
7.法令・規制・契約事項等の遵守 - Compliance with Laws, Regulations, Rules, Contractual Obligations, etc.
All directors, officers and employees of the Company comply with laws, regulations, rules, contractual obligations, etc.

制定日(Date of enactment):2015.06.01
株式会社ロイヤルパソコンシステム(Royal PC systems Inc.)
代表者名  高橋 一俊(CEO: Kazutoshi Takahashi)


Privacy Policy

Royal PC systems Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the «Company») considers protection of personal information is a social obligation of a business operator in the business of computer systems, and conducts the following:

個人情報の取得 - Obtaining Personal Information
The Company clarifies the purpose of using the personal information it obtains within the scope of the Company’s businesses, and obtains such personal information by legitimate and fair means.
個人情報の利用 - Use of Personal Information
The Company does not use the obtained personal information for purposes other than the scope necessary to achieve specified purposes, and takes necessary measures to enforce this.In addition, in cases where the Company shares the personal information with third parties, or outsources handling of the personal information to third parties, the Company is to appropriately supervise such third parties as needed to ensure safe management of the personal information.
個人情報の提供 - Provision of Personal Information
The Company does not provide the obtained personal information to third parties, except upon users’ consent in advance, or in cases where the Company is legally bound to do so.
法規制の遵守 - Compliance with Laws and Regulations
The Company complies with laws in connection with privacy protection, guidelines and any other regulations set forth by the Japanese Government.
安全管理措置の実施 - Execution of Measures for Safety Management
The Company takes necessary and appropriate safe management measures to prevent leak, loss or damage of personal information. In cases where such incidents occur, the Company is to immediately take corrective actions.
個人情報に関する苦情・相談 - Complaints and Consultations in Connection with Personal Information
The Company is to appropriately and promptly respond to complaints and consultations by users in connection with handling of their personal information. In addition, the Company develops a system necessary for this.
個人情報保護の継続的改善 - Continuous Improvements on Personal Information Protection
The Company is to prepare and appropriately operate procedures for protection of personal information, and to carry out continuous improvements by periodically reviewing such procedures.

制定日(Date of enactment):2015.06.01
株式会社ロイヤルパソコンシステム(Royal PC systems Inc.)
代表者名  高橋 一俊(CEO: Kazutoshi Takahashi)